Papoose News Jan. 15, 2020 http://bit.ly/388hvFS

Here's the news from DES https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1vbEoIKpOIALTRUMldsUnc3akU5WklIdHlJbkx4Wng3d0Vv/view?usp=sharing

Reminder - School resumes tomorrow, January 6. We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas Break!

Merry Christmas to all of our students, faculty, staff, families, and alumni that make us Du Quoin District 300!

Congratulations to our bicycle and jacket winners at Du Quoin Elementary. We appreciate all the community donors who provide these bike each year for our students. We are DQ!

The Arrow Academy and Arrow High after school programs are cancelled for this afternoon due to possible icy conditions.

Another successful Christmas band concert by the DHS Jazz Band, DHS Concert Band, the DMS Beginning Band, and DMS Band! Great work by all!

Congratulations to our Papoose Pride winners for excellence in Teamwork @choosetobenice

Check out the news from DES - included this week are holiday spirit theme days for student participation. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1vbEoIKpOIAREZpeHF1dUFYTW0xSGJvZXRXOXE0eFRQcmVV/view?usp=sharing

Congrats to this group for their hard work and talent which has led to recognition as Illinois State Scholars! We are proud of you!

The DHS Jazz Band will be performing in the Exhibition Hall on Saturday evening from 6:30-7:15 PM. Check out the festivities at the fairgrounds and hear some good holiday tunes from our talented students!

ICYMI the DMS Warriors picked up a nice home victory over PJHS this week! The DMS band and cheerleaders helped make a great atmosphere!

We dismiss at 2PM today for school improvement. There is no Arrow Academy or Arrow High after school program. Please call your school if you need to make arrangements for dismissal.

Nice way to open the varsity boys’ basketball season...with a W in OT! I love our student-led pep band going strong all game long too! #tribevibes

Local veterans came in this morning for a breakfast and special program put on by our elementary students. Thank you DES for showing your appreciation of our veterans!

Families of students who attend our after school programs at all three schools. We do not have the program Monday, Nov. 25 so we can hold staff training. Also Tuesday, Nov. 26 is a 2PM dismissal for Thanksgiving Break.

Congratulations to our winners for acceptance! #papoosepride

3rd Grade Families, As a reminder the music program this evening (11/21) beginning at 7PM in the Warrior gym. Students should be at school by 6:45 in their classroom dressed as a Pilgrim or Native American. The back parking lot will be available for the event tonight.

Papoose News - Nov. 20, 2019 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1vbEoIKpOIAaHhMbEU5VkJUTTROZEJBN3JQUjZUZGs3VlUw/view?usp=sharing

This is a message from District 300. District 300 schools are scheduled to be IN SESSION on Wednesday. The report by KFVS 12 has been made in error.