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Thursday, January 19, 2023

Today’s Lunch:  Chicken parmesan OR Meatloaf, garlic bread, salad, corn, & fruit 

Tomorrow’s Breakfast:  Breakfast pizza, fruit, milk, and juice

Tomorrow’s Lunch:  Hamburger OR Hotdog, cheesy potatoes, broccoli, & fruit

The Choices classroom is selling Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip cookies today during lunch for $.50 or 3/$1.

There will be no after school program in the library today, January 19th.

Speech team: the bus for the Belleville West speech meet will be leaving at 7 on Saturday.

Our nominees for December student of the month were

Jolee Bailey 

Isaac Davison-Faulk 

Erin Scronce 

Angel Tilley 

Reid Tilley

Kaitlin Tripp

Donavin Weihl

It was not an easy choice as all of the candidates were nominated for outstanding reasons but our December Student of the Month is:  Kaitlin Tripp.  All candidates need to stop by the office to pick