Friday, December 2, 2022

Today’s Lunch: Hot dog OR Hamburger, smiley fries, carrots, and fruit
Monday’s Breakfast: Egg, cheese, and ham breakfast sandwich, fruit, milk, and juice
Monday’s Lunch: General Tso’s Chicken and fried rice OR Ravioli and garlic bread, broccoli,
carrots, fruit and a cookie
There will be a Book Club meeting after ELT today in Ms. Fisher's room to discuss the first half of
The Road.
Thank you to everyone that attended the football banquet last night. If you did not attend you can
pick up your awards in the office before next Friday. Congratulations to all award winners!
Speech Team: If you are attending tomorrow’s meet, please see the Google Classroom for
additional information regarding departure times, food, and dress for the meet.
Have you reserved your copy of the 2022-2023 Flashlight yearbook? This year's theme is Netflix.
Order forms are available in the office or on www.balfour.com. Place your order before
December 31 for the best rate. The price will go up in January.
The 12 Days of Christmas starts next week! Monday is “Deck the Halls” so wear your Christmas
Red or Green to celebrate the season.
FBLA members that are competing in the Southern Area need to see Ms. Harbin to set up a time
to test between now and December 12th. You will also need to make time to complete the first
level of BAA.
The first interest/info meeting for the Girls’ Soccer Team is Monday at 3:20 in the auditorium. If
you’re unable to attend this meeting, there is a second meeting on December 8 at