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Du Quoin Community, 

The Du Quoin Community Unit School District #300 is proud to announce the tentative award of a new 21st Century grant to offer out-of-school programs again for the 2022-2023 school year for students in Du Quoin Elementary and Middle Schools. The program will include snacks and a variety of activities including homework help, social-emotional skills, academic skills in reading and math, art enrichment, and STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math - opportunities. The high school has a separate 21st Century program which is open to any student enrolled in the high school. All students are encouraged to apply, with additional encouragement placed on economically disadvantaged and students at risk academically. All the Du Quoin 21st Century Programs are open to students enrolled in each school, regardless of race, ethnicity, disability or economic status.

Learn more about the new 21st Century program for students in K-8th at the following link Announcing the New 21st Century Program for K-8th

Information details and sign up options are available during each schools' back-to-school open house events to start the school year:

Du Quoin Elementary and Middle School Open House - Thursday, Aug. 11  from 6-7:30 PM
Du Quoin High School Open House - Friday, Aug. 19 from 6-7:30 PM

Diana Rea
Du Quoin CUSD 300 
District Curriculum Director