Monday, April 26, 2021

Today’s Lunch:   Pizza kits, marinara, broccoli with ranch, and fruit

Tomorrow’s Breakfast:  Donuts, fruit, juice, and milk

Tomorrow’s Lunch:  Ham and cheese sandwich, cucumber salad, and fruit

SENIORS:  You need to get your library fines paid and books turned in.  Mr. Summers and Mrs. Coleman have a list in case you don't know what you owe.  Stop by the library and get this taken care of so you can get your diploma!

Art Club Meeting Tuesday and Wednesday after school. Please come we have a lot to accomplish before the art show.

Seniors: If you received the email regarding the Educational Foundation program, please RSVP to Mrs. Gross-Woodside by Wednesday, April 28th. The program will be held in Hibbs Auditorium at Du Quoin High School on Saturday, May 1 at 5:00 PM.

HOSA will be meeting on Tuesday 4/27 at 3:15 in the nursing office.

If you would like to join Student Council next year, please pick up a petition from Mrs. Robison in room 115.  All petitions are due by Wednesday, May 5th.

Boys and girls track practice today at 3:20 p.m.

Mrs. Miller would like to give a huge shoutout to her Junior Officers, all those on the Prom Court, Mrs. Dunavan, and special guests in attendance.  Coronation went very well.  Congratulations to our Prom King and Queen, David Gomes and Bailey Nehring!

Boys and girls track, softball and baseball pictures are Wednesday, April 28 starting at 1pm.  Lifetouch picture packets are available in the office.  Athletes, please be prompt as there are meets and games later that day.  

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