Monday, May 8, 2023

Today’s Lunch: Chicken patty OR Hamburger, broccoli and cheese, buttered potatoes and fruit
Tomorrow’s Breakfast: Biscuit and gravy, fruit, milk and juice
Tomorrow’s Lunch: Soft taco OR Chicken quesadilla, confetti beans, Mexican rice and fruit
All Class of 2023 T-Shirt Orders are now due on Wednesday. No orders will be accepted after
that day. Order forms are located outside the counseling office. If you have any questions, or if
any senior needs help paying for their t-shirt see Mrs. Allie ASAP.
Seniors - Caps and gowns can be picked up in the office starting tomorrow morning. Make sure
all dues are paid.
The last Educators Rising meeting will be Wednesday morning at 7:43 am in Mr. File's room.
The final FCA meeting of the year is Friday during both lunch hours. Justin Raby will be here to
discuss camp and being a huddle leader.
The last Art Club meeting of the year is tomorrow from 3:30-4:30. Anyone that wants to enter
work in the Art Show should have it on the display board by this date.
The District #300 Art Show is Thursday from 5:30-7:30 at the middle school. Projects from the
high school students will be on display in the commons.
The Perry County Health Department will be available in the nursing office on Wednesday.
If you are interested in Co-Op and did not make it to the meeting, please see Ms. Harbin in room
112 to pick up a packet. These are due back by May 24th at noon.
Auditions for the revival of the Du Quoin High School Color Guard will be held Tuesday and
Wednesday after school in the gym. No prior experience is required, and students don’t need to be
registered for Band to audition! Please read the posters around the school, and any questions about
color guard or auditions should be directed to Mr. Shaffer in the Band Room.