DMS Announcements - February 19, 2020


Wednesday, February 19, 2020


  • DMS National Jr. Honor Society applications are now available in the office. NJHS is open to 7th and 8th grades.  See Mr. Cornett if you have any questions.

  • Picture day is tomorrow! Get your picture form.  

  • Any student interested in designing next year’s handbook cover can pick up an information sheet in the office.  You must follow the directions and rules on the information sheet.  The winning art work will be used as next year’s handbook cover.  All entries are due by March 20th.  

  • The Homerooms in the lead for attendance in the month of February are    Mr. James, Mr. Montgomery, Ms. Higgerson, and Mrs. Prather. The grade level in the lead is 8th grade.  

  • February is Random Acts of Kindness month.  Starting Monday, through the end of the month, strips of paper will be in each homeroom class in a basket.  When you see someone perform an act of kindness, fill out a strip in your homeroom with what the act was, who, and what grade.  Put in the basket in your homeroom.  Teachers will periodically link them and hang them in the hall.  

  • Science Club T-shirts are in.  You can pick them up in Mr. Hicks room if you have your money.  

  • Word Squad will meet in the library on Friday for Scrabble and play writing.  

  • The Dodgeball tournament will finish up on Friday.  Mrs. Mathis will post the names of the teams who will be playing.  

  • In Honor of National Heart Day everyone is encouraged to wear red this Friday. 

  • Lunch today is country fried steak.