DHS Announcements January 31, 2020


Friday, January 31, 2020

Today’s Lunch:  Hamburger, smiley fries, carrots with ranch, and fruit

Monday’s Breakfast:  French toast sticks, sausage, fruit, juice, and milk

Monday’s Lunch:  Ravioli, green beans, salad, garlic bread, and fruit

Junior girls: Distinguished Young Women has scholarship opportunities for junior girls.  If you would like to learn more about this program visit www.distinguishedyw.org

If you have not paid for a parking sticker for this school year, you must pay your $10 as soon as possible.  This fee for a parking sticker must be paid every year.

There will be a French club meeting on Monday, Feb 3 after school in Mrs. Dunavan's room.  We will play Mille (pron. meal) Bornes and talk about Mardi Gras activities.

The next FCA meeting will take place today during both lunch hours.  Freshmen will meet in the Driver's Education room, and Soph-Seniors will meet in Mrs. Stacey's Room.  The cost for pizza and soda is $3. Please sign up with Coach File or Coach Boyett so we know how much food to order.

Attention FBLA Members: If you plan to attend the State Leadership Conference this year, please stop by and sign up in Mrs. Gross' room. We will also meet on Wednesday, February 5, in the Driver's Ed. Room at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the deadlines for payment and the required forms for state.

Make plans to attend the 2020 FCCLA Sweetheart Dance.  FCCLA cordially invites all Du Quoin High School students to attend the Sweetheart Dance.  The dance will be held on February 22, 2020, at the Du Quoin American Legion from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM.  Tickets will be on sale February 18th --21st in the Family & Consumer Science Room --Room 108--from Mrs. Stacey.  Permission slips and forms for out of town guests will be available starting February 10th. Tickets will be $10 each.  This year one lucky ticket buyer will WIN an Amazon Fire HD 8 tablet. So be sure to buy your tickets!  

Baseball open gym schedules for February are in the office.

Any boy or girl track member that did not pick up a BBQ packet should see Mr. Beard.

The Orientation to Health Occupations and CNA classes are collecting change as part of z100s Quest for a Million Pennies fundraiser for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.  If you have change you would like to donate, please drop it off in the nursing office.  

Student Council is gathering items for St. Jude patients such as toys, dolls, books, crayons, earbuds and headphones, and teen toiletries. Please check the lists posted around the school for more items. You can drop your donations off in the office or Mrs. Robison’s room, room 115. All items are appreciated.